You just confirmed your
worst fear. You are indeed pregnant! Suddenly you’re bombarded with all sorts
of emotions that you never thought you’d feel all at the same time. You’re
scared, angry, sad, betrayed and lost. You don’t know what to do. If this
mimics your present situation, you are definitely not alone. Millions of women
have or still are faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Abortion seems like the
most convenient solution. However, it is important to keep in mind that there
are other options such as these abortion clinics in Boston MA alternatives which are safer and healthier both
in the physical and mental aspects.
You see, abortion, even at
present, can still have devastating consequences as medical evidences would
show. The physical and psychological effects alone are more than enough reasons
for you to reconsider and explore other options. Don’t get this wrong though.
If you believe that it is the most suitable solution for your situation, go
ahead. You have the freedom to choose what’s best for you. The problem is that
many women went ahead with the procedure with very little knowledge about it
and the risks involved. Only few ask questions. Some don’t inquire even about
the most basic medical details. Before you decide to obtain abortion, get all
the facts. Know all about the procedure and the risks involved. When it comes
to abortion, it is crucial to be informed. Never go through it or any other
medical procedure for that matter that has all the likelihood to cause serious
side effects, with very limited knowledge. You owe it to yourself.
Meanwhile, when it comes
to abortion alternatives, you basically have three options- parenting, foster
care and adoption. Just like abortion, they have the potentials to change your
life forever. The only difference is that with these abortion alternatives, you
are giving your child a chance to live a happy and fulfilled life. If you
choose to keep your baby and raise her yourself, the road ahead won’t be easy.
However, parenting can be the most fulfilling.
Meanwhile, fostering,
which aims to provide a temporary shelter for the newborn baby is intended to
give new mothers more time to prepare themselves and make suitable changes in
their lives in order to become fit parents. It is also for women who need time
to decide whether or not to keep their baby.
And there’s adoption. If
you are considering this option, you may need to consult an expert to help you
prepare for the process ahead. Also, you may need a good counselling to help
you manage any negative feelings and thoughts that you may have that may have
stemmed out of your decision.
Regardless of how you
choose to address an unplanned pregnancy, in the end, what matters most is to
be able to come to terms with your decision and come out of the experience as
positively as you can.
Pregnant and thinking of
getting an abortion? Make sure to keep yourself well-informed before going
ahead with the procedure. Abortion still comes with some potential risks which
makes it crucial to ensure that you are going to have a safe and effective treatment.